Friday, March 15, 2013

Can It Really Be?

Is it possible that winter is finally ending?

I don't want to get my hopes up, because I've lived in this cold northern valley long enough to know that as soon as I put the coats and boots and sweaters and heavy blankets away and reach for the short-sleeved t-shirts, the weather fairies will turn on me and dump more snow in my yard. But still, it has to end sometime. Right? Right?

I do love the beauties of spring. Not everyone at my house shares my opinion, though:

Approaching Spring
She said, "Soon there'll be no snow,
The icy winds will cease to blow.
And mountain streams resume their flow
To fill our ditches here below.
Then flowers will begin to grow,
And trees their scented blossoms show,
As the bright sun warms us with its glow.
And oh, the places I will go,
And oh, what happiness I'll know!

He said, "Snow will soon be gone,
And then, I'll have to mow the lawn."